The non-standard transmission box is driven by two or more gears, one of which is driven by a power source. Its output speed is inversely proportional to the gear ratio, which can achieve deceleration/acceleration, increase/decrease of torque, change of transmission direction, clutching functions and power distribution. It has advantages of large transmission torque, smooth operation, high efficiency, high accuracy, good contact, low noise and long life. The hardened tooth flank gears are made of high quality alloy steel by carburizing, quenching, grinding process, and lubricated with gear oil or semi-fluid grease. It is widely used in power transmission of metallurgy, mining, lifting, transportation, chemical, light and other industries.
Technical Parameters
-- Output torque: 10~1200kNm
-- Gear ratio: 1~120
-- Center distance 350~850mm
-- DLZJ650~1400
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